If you click around enough on the internet, you will eventually find yourself in the mire called "conspiracies." If the people who make these posts are right, then we are all being slowly brainwashed by the New World Order government, starting with CIA brainwashing and ending with a slow meltdown into consumerist zombies. It's all according to what the reptilian aliens who puppet our governments want, you see.
Of all the things above there, you probably guessed by the title that exactly one of them is confirmed. The conspiracy nutjobs are onto something. You read that right, folks: There is confirmed evidence that, at least at one point, the CIA actually perfected the art of honest-to-goodness brainwashing.
Look up how we're being brainwashed and you'll find out about something called Monarch brainwashing. This is not that. In the 1960's, supposedly around the same time Monarch stuff was perfected with LSD, Dr. Jose Delgado conducted experiments using brain implants in different animals. As seen above, he stimulated the hypothalami of mammals such as cats and bulls. He found that such stimulation could turn rage on and off at a moment's notice. It was handy and uncanny, but, due to ethical concerns, the experiments were never performed on humans. At least, that's what they want us to think.
Then the government outdid itself. Controlling rage was not enough. More recently, starting in at least 2005, a new project came to light: ratbots.

Ratbots are exactly what they sound like: Rats controlled entirely by humans via radio and computer signals. They look like they're wearing cute little backpacks. They are really more wired than that; probes have been placed in the rats' brains to stimulate certain areas. There are exactly two psychological buttons that need to be pushed to make the rat an automaton: One that processes signals from the rat's whiskers and another that taps the reward center.
Think about how simple that is. Even though the scientists making the ratbots cited practical uses such as treating neurological disorders, spinal chord injuries, and using the rats to detect mines, the far more insidious purpose definitely crossed the scientists' minds. The article from Rense.com, featuring conglomerate thoughts from various newspapers and societies, puts it best:
Of all the things above there, you probably guessed by the title that exactly one of them is confirmed. The conspiracy nutjobs are onto something. You read that right, folks: There is confirmed evidence that, at least at one point, the CIA actually perfected the art of honest-to-goodness brainwashing.
Look up how we're being brainwashed and you'll find out about something called Monarch brainwashing. This is not that. In the 1960's, supposedly around the same time Monarch stuff was perfected with LSD, Dr. Jose Delgado conducted experiments using brain implants in different animals. As seen above, he stimulated the hypothalami of mammals such as cats and bulls. He found that such stimulation could turn rage on and off at a moment's notice. It was handy and uncanny, but, due to ethical concerns, the experiments were never performed on humans. At least, that's what they want us to think.
Then the government outdid itself. Controlling rage was not enough. More recently, starting in at least 2005, a new project came to light: ratbots.
Ratbots are exactly what they sound like: Rats controlled entirely by humans via radio and computer signals. They look like they're wearing cute little backpacks. They are really more wired than that; probes have been placed in the rats' brains to stimulate certain areas. There are exactly two psychological buttons that need to be pushed to make the rat an automaton: One that processes signals from the rat's whiskers and another that taps the reward center.
Think about how simple that is. Even though the scientists making the ratbots cited practical uses such as treating neurological disorders, spinal chord injuries, and using the rats to detect mines, the far more insidious purpose definitely crossed the scientists' minds. The article from Rense.com, featuring conglomerate thoughts from various newspapers and societies, puts it best:
- ""Could it be used, Big Brother-style, to control human behavior, consumer spending, or even worker productivity?" asked the Humane Society in a recent article.
- "What if some future implant, billed as a medical miracle, was also secretly encoded to direct thought, getting a person to think like Big Brother, or to work harder for managers at corporate control, or to follow the orders of Mephistopheles?" asked The Boston Globe in a recent editorial. "What if Madison Avenue got a piece of the supposed beneficial chip to direct the consumer to buy the expensive spread or the new cereal?""
- Of course, these rats are totally being used for non-sinister purposes. They are definitely not one of the reasons I have a cat. Nope.
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